This is what you would hear from me if the Bikram Hot Yoga Studio wasn't so damn quiet. I was dragged to my first class about a year ago and protested the entire way there. I've never done regular yoga! How can I handle a class done in a room that's 105 degrees? I'm not flexible enough! I have to wax the kitchen floors.... and so on.
The room was stuffy from an earlier class when me and about 40 others filed in - clad in florescent spandex, bikinis and itty bitty shorts. We bent this way and that through 26 postures and in the 90 minutes I dripped more sweat then I knew was possible. It poured into my eyes, ears, and mouth. Each time I attempted the 'head to knee' pose a generous sprinkling of glistening sweat sprinkled onto my towel. Several times I thought I might pass out (note to self: replace coffee with water). 3/4 of the class was painful, ungraceful and downright embarrassing BUT the last 1/4 felt so amazing that it made it all worth it. I stopped holding my breath and my muscles relaxed into some semblance of the intended pose.
The most amazing part was leaving the yoga studio and catching that first breath of crisp night air. Ah! I'm alive! I'm invincible! My body feels incredible! I can do anything! I went home and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Below are some of the health benefits from a Bikram Hot Yoga studio website:
Yoga is not an enigma. It is a 5000 year old science. It is unrivaled as a means of improving body health and suppleness, of creating peace of mind and absence of stress. A regular Bikram Yoga practice will change your life in the most wonderful ways and can help: weight loss, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, immune deficiencies, skin conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, arthritis, joint pain, chronic back pain, scoliosis, spinal injury, high cholesterol, heart disease, poor circulation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, sciatica, menstrual cycles, menopause, accident recovery, injury & pain, endocrine function, metabolism and emotional healing.
Effects of the HEAT: Fat reduction, weight loss and increased muscle tone, Increased range of movement in joints, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues, Tissue, muscle, organ and gland oxygenation, Waste product elimination, Improved circulation, Increased metabolism, Willpower, self control, concentration and determination, Increased cardiovascular, Greater flexibility, less chance of injury and improved resolution of injury, Detoxification, Improved immune system functioning, Nervous system function optimized, Enhanced digestive system, Improves athletic performance
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